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In two papers, we present JADES data about the remarkable galaxy GN-z11. This is the most luminous z>10 galaxy candidate in the GOODS-N field, discovered originally with HST.

JADES spectroscopy presented in Bunker et al. (2023) shows an amazing infrared NIRSpec spectrum for GN-z11, revealing at least a dozen emission lines and giving a secure redshift of z=10.60. Remarkably, we detect Lyman-alpha in emission, despite the expectation that the IGM should be highly neutral. We also find unusual line ratios seemingly indicative of enhanced nitrogen abundance.

JADES GN-z11 Spectrum

JADES imaging presented in Tacchella et al. (2023) detects GN-z11 at high signal-to-noise ratio in seven filters, showing a classic dropout spectral energy distribution. The galaxy is quite compact, with half the light interior to 100 pc, yet it is not point-like. In addition to the mildly resolved core, there is a haze about 0.4” away that may or may not be associated. We also find that GN-z11 may sit in an overdensity with nine other galaxies out to about 5 comoving Mpc away with photometric redshifts consistent with z=10.6.

JADES GN-z11 Environment